7 Critical Shifts for Moving Beyond Mega and Multisite

January 2, 2018

We will need to shift to being agile, creation-oriented networks that unleash the potential every believer is desiring to live out.

Editor’s NoteBrian Sanders, Executive Director of the UNDERGROUND, is a long time friend of Exponential and will be speaking at the 2018 Exponential Conference on the 7 critical shifts for moving beyond mega and multisite.  Brian and over 150 other national speakers will be part of Exponential 2018. With 40 tracks, 200+ workshops, and 1,000s of other like-minded leaders, you won’t want to miss it – register here

Brian recently completed an Exponential ebook The Network Church: 7 Critical Shifts for Moving Beyond Mega and Multisite. You can download the FREE ebook by clicking the button below. Enjoy this guest blog post from Brian on the Networked Church.

In The Networked Church, Brian Sanders, Executive Director of the UNDERGROUND, gazes into the future of American culture and describes how the Church needs to adapt to the changes that are beginning to take place. Rather than the large consumer-focused entity many churches have developed into, we will need to shift to being agile, creation-oriented networks that unleash the potential every believer is desiring to live out. Below, he dives into each of the 7 shifts needed to make that a reality.

Introduction to the 7 Critical Shifts for Moving Beyond Mega and Multisite

Shift 1 – From Static to Adaptive Systems


Shift 2 – From Boastful to Modest Superstructures


Shift 3 – From Consumer to Creator Focused


Shift 4 – From an Ambiguous to a Simple Definition of Church


Shift 5 – From a Few to All Called into Mission


Shift 6 – From Control to Servanthood Leadership

Shift 7 – From Scarcity to Abundance in Mission