Project: Ambassadors Ministries

Vince Garvey Headshot

Leader: Vince Garvey 



We help the Church put commissioned ministry partners on the ground locally and globally by training them to raise a team of financial supporters to join them in their Gospel-centered callings.

Project Categories

  • Innovative Approaches to Church Planting: Bivo/Covo and Business for Mission Models and Expressions

  • Innovative Approaches to Church Planting: Methods and Models for Mobilizing Everyday Missionaries
  • Innovative Approaches for the Next Generation: Mobilizing

  • Innovative Approaches for the Next Generation: Pipelines for Church Planting and Leadership

Big Idea and Overview

With traditional funding models struggling, a shift is required to navigate the future of staffing and mission in the local church. We help the local church employ staff as “missionaries” to their own congregations and communities through fundraising, coaching, and administrative backing all at no cost to the church. We started Ambassadors out of necessity in the midst of our own church planting journey, and in 2021 we realized the need existed beyond our own network so we went “public.

Customer / Mission Field Context

In short, we serve 5 contexts: Established Churches, Church Plants, Gospel-Centered Non-Profits, Local Missionaries, and Global Missionaries. Zooming in, our main focus is the local church and it’s members. We believe God has equipped, and called his people to missional engagement both within the walls of the local church and in the communities they exist in.  

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  1. To enable local churches to staff their congregations in line with or even ahead of their needs.

  2. To help God’s people start new missional endeavors in their communities in partnership with their local church.

  3. To create a new vision for the future of the Church that helps be a solution to the financial challenges that exist for the post-Christendom, post-Covid, church.

Results and

Since our public launch, we have expanded our reach to over 40 Ministry Partners (Missionaries) in varying contexts, across 8 states, and growing.

Media Assets

Snapshots of Innovation
Exponential NEXT Podcast