The Rise of Shared Leadership in Microchurch Movements

The Atlas Factor: Shifting Leadership Onto The Shoulders of Jesus Since the end of the global pandemic that launched the...

What’s Your Number? 

We were almost four years into our second church plant and I was determined to break the 400 growth barrier....

Spiritually Attuned Leadership for a Generation of Esthers

One of the best parts about my job is that I get to connect with a bunch of leaders who...

Up Around the Bend: What’s Ahead for Multisite?

“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” Yogi Berra In the fall of 2001, a handful of...

Knowledge Velocity, Draft Horses, and the Future of the Church

The way people live has changed more between today and 1924 than it did between 1924 and 1024. Put another...

Five Ingredients For Intentional, Disciplemaking Environments

We all exist within different types of relational environments every day where we live, work, learn, and play. Even within...

Top 13 AI Terms Pastors Must Know 

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly attractive tool for enhancing the work of...

Prayer is Returning to Public Schools

The landmark 1962 ruling of Engel v. Vitale removed school-sponsored prayer from public schools. The justices ruled that it violated...

Church Planting Leadership Fellowship

CPLF Partnership Announcement

In an exciting development for the future of church planting in North America, Exponential has announced a new strategic partnership...

Insider Insights: 10 Things Women Leaders Want Men To Know

In my journey spanning 25 years of ministry leadership, I’ve had the honor of guiding, mentoring, and championing women from...

Internal Church Planter Pipeline

“You have to figure out how we plant churches, and the only planters you can recruit are inside Hill Country...

Four Essentials To Equip This Generation To Walk In Their Calling

“Why am I here?” This is the number one question I hear from 18 to 25-year-olds. What they usually mean...