How Big Should Your Launch Team Be?

To answer this question about launch teams, we have to begin with the end in mind. One of the exercises...

Exponential Looks to Next Season of Multiplication

As 2022 brings almost weekly culture shifts and unexpected journeys into uncharted territory for church leaders, Exponential is pursuing the...

Planting Glocal Churches for the World

Planting Glocal Churches for the World By Bob Roberts, Jr. ____________________________________________________________________________________ As followers of Christ we have been called to...

Celebrating the Faithfulness of God

Celebrating the Faithfulness of God By Mark DeYmaz ____________________________________________________________________________________ Earlier this month, two healthy multiethnic churches in and near Charlotte,...

The Enneagram as a Pathway for Spiritual Growth

The Enneagram as a Pathway for Spiritual Growth By Sarah Bourns Crosby ____________________________________________________________________________________ “You are here.”   You know those...

Bringing Back Our Millennials

According to a 2015 survey done by Barna Research Group, 85% of millennials describe Christians as hypocritical and ⅓ of...