Shark Tank Finalists 2024 

NEXT Ventures is a ministry of Exponential NEXT designed to discover, connect, and learn from innovative ministries shaping the future...

How to Be a Successful Church Planter

The following is an excerpt of an article by RightNow Media:   Church planting is a lot of things: a...

Three Lessons From Esther On Finding Our Voice

“When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: ‘Do not think that because you are in...

Why Church in a Coffee Shop?

The desperate prayer of a church planter can resound with: “God, how are we going to do this?” But what...

Why Think About the Church of 2050?

When we talk about the year 2050, it can feel a little bit preposterous, like something out of science fiction...

7 Strategic, Effective, and Uncommon Habits of Highly Productive Pastors Using ChatGPT

As a pastor, your role is multifaceted – balancing spiritual leadership, administrative duties, leadership development, volunteer management, community engagement, and...

Navigating Change: Reimagining the Future of KC Underground as a Family of Families

Let us agitate a problem for you. You realize your current leadership systems, structure, and staff can’t get you where...

Church Revitalization – 7 Innovative Models 

Church revitalization is the process of a congregation working together to become more sustainably healthy, internally independent, and increasingly impactful....

Three Reasons to Plant Multiethnic Churches Now

Planting multiethnic churches isn’t a fad – it’s the future. In fact, most major cities and regions are already incredibly...

Be Who You Wish You Had – Build What You are Looking For!

I don’t have to tell you that ministry is hard and messy. But I must tell you that we cannot...

How Can Your Church Be More Ready for Tomorrow?

Wayne Gretzky, world famous for more than 1,000 professional hockey goals and 2,000 assists, was once asked his secret. “I...

Pro’s And Con’s of Using AI for Sermon Writing: 18 Issues to Consider

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly prevalent tool in various fields, including ministry. Many...