Biblically Speaking Episode 1: Ethnicity vs. Race Part 1

August 17, 2020


Spring of 2020 was a racially violent period in America, with African Americans being the primary victims of this violence. While there were a number of high-profile attacks on Black people, it was the killing of George Floyd that ignited an entirely new level of consciousness around the state of race in America. Conversations about the social unrest, fueled by racial division, dominated the newswires at a level that was nearly unprecedented. Against the backdrop of this national crisis, church leaders have begun asking a series of unprecedented questions, such as:

What is the role of the church in times of social unrest?
What does holistic discipleship look like in response to the problem of race?
Should churches directly address White supremacy? If yes, how do they do it in a way that doesn’t further exacerbate the division?
How does a church care for its Black members during violent periods like this?
How does a church both care for (but also challenge) White members during periods like this?
How does a church both care for (but also challenge) non-Black communities of color during periods like this?

The primary task of a Pastor is to lead their congregation into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and the questions above can never be addressed in a comprehensive manner without first developing a robust theological foundation.

Join co-hosts Daniel Hill and Christine Chang, and their special guests, for conversation on these very matters. These episodes will help you to deepen your theology, transform your thoughts around race, and sharpen your approach to discipleship.