Called for More in 2019

March 7, 2018

“As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21).

 It’s easy to miss the power of Jesus’ words in this single verse—Jesus, the sent one, revealing to His followers an even bigger calling than they’d first understood. Just a few days earlier before Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers, this band of Jesus freaks had hidden themselves away behind locked doors, grieving the loss of their Founder, unable to see any forthcoming movement.

Now Jesus was standing in front of them, giving them their new marching orders—to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Simply put, they were to GO and make disciples.

The Third Dimension of Disciple Making

Over the past four years, Exponential has focused our energies and resources on what we call the “4-10 Mission”—to see the number of reproducing churches increase from 4 percent to greater than 10 percent and ultimately past the 16 percent tipping point. To steward this conversation, we introduced what we call our “3D Model for Multiplication” and honed in on the first two dimensions: disciple making and building a capacity for disciple making.

However these two key dimensions are not enough to fulfill Jesus’ command to GO.

We need the third dimension: mobilization.

Looking ahead to 2019, we’re continuing the multiplication conversation, focusing on the mobilization of the priesthood of all believers to carry the fullness of Jesus into every corner of society as they make disciples. We need a healthy culture of empowerment where the fruit of mature disciple making is disciples who GO.

Discovering More of What God Has for His People

As leaders we’re called to mobilize our church, helping them identify and use their gifts and calling. What would our world look like if the Body of Christ was truly activated and engaged in joining God’s work in the way He designed? We’ll be answering and unpacking that question in our 2019 theme: Called for More: Mobilizing God’s People, God’s Way.

Specifically, we’ll look at five areas in each of the five main sessions:

Called for More: The people in your church are called for more—what I call the “mystery of God working through His people.” And your church is called for more and the mystery of God working through your church.

Called to be More: Do you and the people in your church know who they are—their specific identity—and who God has called them to be? Your church has a God-given identity that He has designed for His mission.

Called to do More: God uses each of us in His mission to restore and redeem all of creation. He has a specific purpose for you, your people and your church.

Called to go More: What is your church’s unique mission field? Where have you been called to go? Where can you make a spiritual difference? As multiplying leaders, we must make the most of every opportunity, asking God, “Where are we as a church created to go, and where are the individuals in our church called to go?”

Commissioned for More: The people you lead are sent for more. Let that sink in. Where are you standing in the way of people being filled up and poured out? Where are you empowering and equipping people in your church to GO and carry the fullness of Jesus into every crack and cranny of society?

As leaders called to mobilize the disciples we’re making, we have a profound role—and a huge opportunity—to lead our churches to discover more of what God has for His people and His churches as we carry His fullness to a world in desperate need of living water.

As we mobilize the priesthood of believers, I believe we’ll take giant leaps toward our “4-10” multiplication mission.

I hope you are already making plans to join us for Exponential 2019 (March 4-7, 2019)!

You can get the lowest possible rates right now!  $99 for main registrant and $49 for spouse.  Bring your whole team – a group of 5 is only $495!  Rates expire at midnight on March 9.

Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson

Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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