Candid Conversations About Women and the Church with Tammy Dunahoo

Exponential NEXT Podcast Episode 17
Series: Candid Conversations About Women and the Church

In this episode, Sue and Janet have a candid conversation with Tammy Dunahoo. From denominational leadership to a church planting network of women, Tammy shares what she has seen in her over 40 years of leadership in the Church. Hopeful for the future, Tammy gives a vision for why men and women working together can help the church fulfill the image of God. As Dean of a seminary, Tammy gives insight into what women of today are hoping for as they move towards vocational ministry.

Hosts: Sue Ferguson, Women NEXT Co-Director
Janet McMahon, Women NEXT Co-Director

Guest: Tammy Dunahoo, Dean of Portland Seminary

Category: Women NEXT

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