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A Candid Conversation About Unity

Words matter. They can make the difference between life and death. Imagine the impact and the chaos that would ensue if emergency room doctors and nurses each had different definitions

Living on Mission in Lockdown

This article was originally published on by Ben Connelly, Director of Training for Saturate. Founded by Jeff Vanderstelt, Saturate seeks to be a catalyst for the gospel movement happening

Let’s Get It Together

We are all very familiar with the Great Commission and the challenge to Go. There has been much taught on the Great Commandment and the need to go with Love.

Living Together As A Church

We are all very familiar with the Great Commission and the challenge to Go. There has been much taught on the Great Commandment and the need to go with Love.

La Bendición de la Colaboración

Cuando pensamos en colaborar en el ministerio, una de nuestras equivocaciones mas grandes es pensar de manera limitada. Permíteme comenzar con algo que enseñamos en nuestras iglesias. Cuando hablamos con

Living Together in Unity

We are all very familiar with the Great Commission and the challenge to Go. There has been much taught on the Great Commandment and the need to go with Love.

¡Abraza el cambio!

Dios nos diseñó para que hiciéramos vida unos con otros. Amistades, ministerio, negocios, proyectos ¡nuestra vida está llena de relaciones! Como individuos, crecemos por nuestra relación unos con otros y

Better Together

Daniel Fusco is one of more than 15 Kingdom leaders teaching during Exponential’s Online Community and Conference. Click here to learn more and register! Heroes have long been a source

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