
Groundbreaking ideas, curated for you.

Learning to wait can be one of the most effective evangelism tools.

Lessons in Ministry: Waiting and Failing

My wife and I have served in ministry since the late 1970s. During this time, we’ve seen the Holy Spirit transform lives, we’ve experienced joys and sufferings that have drawn

Evangelism in Amerca

State of Evangelism in America

On Tuesday, December 6 Exponential CEO Dave Ferguson and Wheaton College evangelism expert Dr. Rick Richardson connected to talk about the state of evangelism in America.  Dave and Rick covered

Jesus, friend of notorious sinners.

Jesus, Friend of (Notorious) Sinners

Imagine that Jesus was coming to speak at your local church. Throughout the New Testament, we see that Jesus taught in the synagogues on a regular basis, so it’s not

Evangelism among the unchurched is an important part of modern outreach

Evangelism Among the Unchurched

Every church operates differently, but we all share one similar charge—to share the love of Christ with people far from God. Since Jesus left the disciples, we have carried the

The church is reforming and all believers now engage in evangelism

Evangelism in Reformation

The church is reforming. Unlike the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s, which was primarily about the theology of salvation, the current reformation we find ourselves in is about the nature

Neighborliness as Evangelism

Neighborliness as Evangelism

“How is your faith working for everyone around you?”  I had just finished a teaching on evangelism at Southeastern University when I posed this question to a group of students

Digital Tools Help Reduce Evangelism Fear

Building Evangelism Confidence With Digital Tools

“What are you doing with a software company?” My background in church planting and Christian ministry raises this question consistently around my work at Faithlife and it’s a good one.

Evangelism lessons from William Wilberforce

The Force Behind William Wilberforce

Have you heard of William Wilberforce? I’ve asked that question enough times to realize that much of the time, the answer is no. I don’t know him personally, considering he

The Holy Spirit Equips Us For Evangelism

Picture a world where God decided not to involve us in sharing the good news of Jesus with others. Instead, he rescues people without any believers’ involvement. What would that

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