Microchurch NEXT

Groundbreaking ideas, curated for you.

Cultivating Social Momentum

Microchurches are extended spiritual families. They don’t just form overnight. They emerge over the course of time as loving disciplemakers incarnate within networks of relationships, plant the gospel, and make

Microchurch and Blockchain

What if microchurch movements could be an avenue for refounding (à la Hirsch) the church on the person of Jesus in its original movemental form, which was a decentralized, multiplying

The Delight of Small Ministry in Small Places

A few years ago, a ministry friend and partner of mine was attending the Exponential conference in Orlando when he overheard a conversation between two prospective church planters that went

LNP 47 | Microchurches for the Next Generation

Older paradigms of student ministry were focused on centralized expressions that required the next generation to be good inviters. Gen Z believers are hungry for more. They recognize they’re living

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