
Groundbreaking ideas, curated for you.

FCP 29, Jordan Whitmer

FCP 29 | Jordan Whitmer, HowToLife Movement

HowToLife is a fast-growing global youth movement of students to reach, disciple, and mobilize Gen Z for Jesus. A new study from The Barna Group reports that, “Generation Z is

LNP 41, Ben Hardman

LNP 41 | Reimagining Church for the Marketplace

Many pastors know that their church should be impacting the marketplace – they just don’t know how to do it. In this podcast, Dave Rhodes interviews Kingdom Dreams Initiative Founder

LNP 39 | Innovation and the Future Church

What are some of the most innovative ideas for the future church? In this episode, Jon Wiest, Director of Innovation NEXT, shares the rationale and importance of innovation for the

Future Church Podcast Tyler Workman

FCP 28 | Tyler Workman, Okoa Refuge

Okoa Refuge has Bible Schools, Discovery Bible Studies, and church plants that exist to equip indigenous men and women to effectively preach the Gospel, to continually make disciples who go

LNP Podcast

LNP 38 | The Inflection Point

We listened. We learned. The first finding from our “Listening Tour,” the Inflection Point, is explored further with Stephan Tchividjian, who leads National Christian Foundation in South Florida and is

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