Church Survey on Response to COVID-19

March 19, 2020


An Invitation from Ed Stetzer and Rick Warren

The whole world, including the United States, is in turbulent waters due to the wake of the coronavirus. Coronavirus (or COVID-19) is currently shifting our nation, states, cities, and communities into a new normal—at least for the time being.

This new normal includes the shift to online education for many (if not most) Americans, the shutdown of sit-down bars, restaurants, and other like businesses, and the cancellation of public gatherings including corporate worship services.

As you can attest, these shifts have certainly disrupted the predominant church model for the American church. I’m sure you’ve been working around the clock meeting with church leadership, serving your congregants, loving your community, and ideating for the foreseeable future.

With a flood of information, given the technological age we live in, the Billy Graham Center (BGC) at Wheaton College seeks to be a convening hub to help equip believers and church leaders in processing the current crisis.

Over the past week, the BGC has been busy working with ministry and organizational partners to curate resources for the church and her leaders.

Dr. Ed Stetzer, Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, in a recent article titled, “Christians, This is Our Moment,” stated, “There is no need to panic, but there is a need to plan well and wisely—protecting our church family and serving the community in Jesus’ name.”

In response to the crisis, the BGC, in partnership with Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, and HDI (Humanitarian Disaster Institute), has launched the following website, is meant to be a clearinghouse of free resources—ranging from sermons, articles, planning manuals, as well as links to pertinent CDC information—for church leaders.

Ed Stetzer and Rick Warren are inviting you to use the resources at In addition, the BGC has launched the Ed Stetzer Leadership podcast that includes leaders from a wide range of disciplines to help leaders navigate through the new reality of the coronavirus.

These resources will be updated daily at least for the foreseeable future as we navigate this crisis both faithfully and corporately.

In an effort to help better serve the church and her leaders during this time, we are asking that you take a few minutes to fill out the following short survey. By doing so, you will help us understand what is going on in local churches as well as the greatest needs local churches face. We will issue a summary of conclusions.

or click here

Over the coming days and weeks, there is belief that we will see the increased negative effects of the coronavirus across the globe. However, while the story may get darker, the church has an opportunity to be brighter.

Sharing and Showing the Love of Jesus,

Ed Stetzer

The Church Survey on the Response to COVID-19 is coordinated by The Billy Graham Center, Exponential, Leadership Network, Catalyst, and ARC.