CPLF Partnership Announcement

April 16, 2024

In an exciting development for the future of church planting in North America, Exponential has announced a new strategic partnership with renowned missiologist, author, and Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University Ed Stetzer to operate and steward the Church Planting Leadership Fellowship (CPLF). This collaborative effort aims to amplify the network’s impact and extend its reach within the church planting community.

Church Planting Leadership Fellowship

Ed Stetzer expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “After several months of fruitful and encouraging conversations with Dave Ferguson and the Exponential team, I am thrilled about our partnership. Their commitment to serve our mission and members aligns perfectly with our vision for CPLF. This collaboration not only expands our network but also deepens our peer-to-peer learning opportunities for church planting leaders.”

Dave Ferguson, President/CEO and Co-founder of Exponential, shared his anticipation for the joint endeavor, “Our conversations with Ed about CPLF have been invigorating. We are incredibly excited to welcome CPLF into the Exponential’s community with a cause. This partnership represents a significant step forward in achieving a collective mission and sparking a movement for Jesus in our time.”

The Church Planting Leadership Fellowship (CPLF) is a community of church planting denominational and network leaders from across North America who gather twice a year for collaborative learning. CPLF works to provide church planting leaders with vital support in the form of research, resources, education, and connection with other church planters across North America.

The fellowship exists exclusively for network and denominational leaders. In fact, over 75% of the church planting done in North America is represented in CPLF’s membership, making this the most influential gathering of church planting and multiplication leaders on our continent.

Furthering their commitment, Exponential will host an additional CPLF gathering at its annual Global conference starting in 2025, creating more opportunities for learning and collaboration among church planting leaders.

Jason Stewart, Executive Director of Mobilization at Exponential, further emphasized the synergy of the partnership, “Our highest impact often comes from resourcing, supporting, and collaborating with Network and Denominational church planting leaders. This collaboration with Ed Stetzer and CPLF accelerates our commitment to help Multipliers realize their multiplication dream and calling. We are grateful and energized to contribute to the CPLF community.”

The partnership heralds a new chapter for CPLF, offering expanded resources, broader leadership, and deepened connections for church planting leaders across North America. It’s a testament to the power of collaborative efforts in fostering significant advancements for the Kingdom of God.

The next gathering for CPLF members will be July 23-24, 2024 in Naperville, IL at the venue of Community Christian Church and their Yellow Box location. The theme will be Church Planting in Hard Places and in New Expressions. Members will hear from national and international church planting leaders including Øivind Augland, Ric Thorpe, Vance Pitman, Scott Sanders, and more to be announced soon.

Exponential, along with Ed Stetzer, extends an invitation to leaders involved in church planting within their denomination or network—whether at the national, state, or regional level—to participate in CPLF. Participation requires a brief application. As CPLF is designed to be a peer learning group, it is encouraged that individuals leading a denomination or network’s church planting initiatives will participate in the fellowship.

For more information about CPLF and upcoming events, please visit the new CPLF webpage. Questions related to CPLF can be directed here.



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