LNP25 | Creating Churches Where People of Color Feel Safe, Valued, and Heard

October 24, 2022

GenZ is the most ethnically diverse generation our country has ever seen. If we want to effectively reach this group, we must lean in, learn, and adjust to welcome them into our church communities.

In this episode, we welcome Linga Ndambasha and Eli Bonilla to teach us about their experiences as young people of color in the 21st century American Church. We’ll discover how we can build churches that are safe, welcoming, and relevant for the diverse generation we are trying to reach.

Leadership Podcast Series:

It seems that more public figures, athletes, celebrities, and even politicians are talking about mental health and admitting that they too are struggling. Every day, more young people are choosing a profession in the mental health field. We have more awareness than ever before,—and yet the percentages of depression, anxiety and even suicide are getting worse. Why is this happening? Join us for a three-week series diving into the root causes, innovative responses, and new strategies to build churches that help the next generation find the healing they are longing for.

To learn more at Leadership Network, visit leadnet.org and for more conversations on Generation NEXT click here.

To watch the conversation, visit https://mult-archive.em02.enthusiastinc.net/event/creating-churches-where-people-of-color-feel-safe-valued-and-heard/

Linga Ndambasha

Linga Ndambasha

Linga is an artist, speaker, and writer from Nashville, Tennessee.  She travels across the US to rap, sing, and speak at conferences, churches, and community events. Linga worked and served in ministry for over nine years and is passionate about diversity and representation in the Church. She is the founder of an initiative called It Was At Church, a platform created to equip today’s leaders to pastor in their contexts with cultural competency, empathy, and accurate information.
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Eli Bonilla Jr.

Eli Bonilla Jr.

Eli is the global youth and young adult pastor at Bethany Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He serves as the next gen regional co-chair for North America with Empowered21, and he also fills the position of national millennial director for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC).
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