In church planting, you don’t inherit a culture, you get to set a culture. – Jim Sheppard
Your church now has real people who are showing up on a weekly basis and they are beginning to give. You are still making ends meet from the support you raised in the pre-launch and launch phases, but you know you have to work on a plan to become self-sustaining as a body and on discipling your givers. What does that look like? How do you navigate the challenges? In this podcast, Jim Sheppard and Julie Bullock will focus on post-launch funding as well as continuing to nourish your givers as they grow in their giving.
Join Jim Sheppard and Julie Bullock at Exponential East 2017, where they will lead workshops on church planting and generosity.
Key Generosity Highlights:
- Building a culture of generosity from day one
- Differentiating between fundraising and generosity
- Jesus’ teachings on money
Jim Sheppard is CEO and principal of Generis, a national consulting firm committed to accelerating generosity toward God-inspired vision for churches, church plants and multi-site churches across all denominations.
Julie Bullock is a senior generosity strategist with Generis, a national consulting firm working with large churches, church plants, multi-site churches across all denominations in the area of accelerating generosity.