[Day 11 of 12] Leaving a Legacy of Level 5 Leadership

December 22, 2018


Leaving a Legacy of Level 5 Leadership

Leaving a Legacy
Billy Graham“The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that he might offer up his life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.” -Rev. Billy Graham

Only 2 days until Christmas!

Today’s FREE resource is Leaving a Legacy of Level 5 Leadership: 10 Leadership Lessons from the Life of Billy Graham

You may not have known Dr. Graham personally, but you’ve almost certainly been impacted by him. That’s because he was what we call a “Hero Maker.” He spent a lifetime investing in and encouraging others. Without you knowing it, many of the people Dr. Graham mentored and impacted have, in turn, impacted you. That’s what hero makers do. They leave a ripple effect, rubbing off on others to the third and fourth generation into the future.

[maxbutton id=”10″ url=”https://exponential.org/resource-ebooks/leaving-legacy/” ]

Exponential 2019 • March 4-7, 2019 • Orlando, FL

Our national conference is only 3 months away! We’re so excited to be hosting over 200 different speakers and over 5,000 Church multipliers. Our Group Specials make it more affordable for you to come as an entire team and invest in your leadership.

20 Pre-conferences, 200 Workshops, 200+ Speakers


2019 Conference Registration


Measure your progress in becoming a Level 5 hero maker with the FREE Hero Maker Assessment Tool.

Start the Free Assessment here.