In this podcast from Exponential West 2016, Ralph Moore explains process caused one congregation to mushroom into a movement of more than 2,300 others. Moore planted a church in Hawaii without the intention of multiplying, but through simple practices and intentional discipleship, Hope Chapel has become an example of how to plant a level 5 multiplying church.
Exponential will continue the conversation on disciple-making at Exponential East 2017. The theme of the conference is Dream Big, which looks at how we can become the movement Jesus envisioned when he said “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Making Disciples, Multiplying Churches – Ralph Moore
Key To Growth:
- Leaders being a continuing example for multiplication
- Maintaining a scorecard of church planting
- Laying foundation in the Scripture
- Discipling members
- Coaching those you are sending out (before and after they are sent)
- Setting a low threshold of leadership