Discipleship Lifestyle | Bill Hull | Exponential

December 13, 2016

“Everyone who is called to salvation is also called to discipleship – no exceptions; no excuses.” – Bill Hull

In this video, Bill Hull declares that, “the Gospel we believe in determines the disciples we make.” The problem, he says, is that we proclaim a deficient gospel where discipleship is optional. Instead, discipleship should be part of a Christian lifestyle from day one.

Key Discipleship Highlights:

  • The false promise of discipleship
  • Will we ever “arrive” practicing spiritual disciplines? Is “arriving” their purpose?
  • Moving from “How am I doing?” to “How am I doing loving others?”

Don’t miss Exponential East 2017, where multiple workshop tracks will focus on discipleship.

Bill Hull has spent his adult life as a discipleship evangelist. His twenty years as a local church pastor and more than twenty books on the subject testify to his commitment. Bill believes that the gospel we believe in determines the kind of disciples we make. This problem and its solution are addressed in Bill’s newest work, Conversion & Discipleship: You Can’t Have One without the Other. Bill is co-founder and leader of the Bonhoeffer Project. Its purpose is to create disciple making leaders. For a list of Bill’s other writings go to Billhull.net.


Bill Hull

Bill Hull

Bill Hull is a writer and discipleship evangelist calling the Church to choose the life Jesus calls His disciples to. Bill has written numerous books on this subject (including the watershed works The Disciple Making Pastor and The Disciple Making Church) and spent 20 years working it out as a pastor.
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