Drew Hyun to Speak at Exponential Regionals in Washington, DC and New York City

Join me at Exponential Washington, DC or New York City!

June 19, 2018


The following is a guest blog post by Drew Hyun, Co-founder of New City Network and Founding Pastor of Hope Church NYC.  Drew is one of our 50+ speakers at the Exponential Regionals this fall:

How will you measure your life?

One of the books that has deeply resonated with me lately is a book by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen called How Will You Measure Your Life?  

Christensen writes about a course he teaches at Harvard Business School by the same name as the book, a class that is unique compared to the common courses on return-on-investment, healthy management, and whatever other innovative business ideas help grow one’s business and organization.

How Will You Measure Your Life? is an exploration of all the other (and often far more important) stuff of life that goes beyond productivity and growing one’s portfolio and LinkedIn profile – the stuff of what really matters at the end of my life.

Of course, this is a constant theme for the Christian story – how can we live a life of meaning and significance, one that calls us to something (and Someone!) bigger than ourselves and our often personal, narrow ambitions.

Jesus is the most definitive example of one who ultimately gives his life away, quite literally, for the good of others, demonstrating a kind of life that is not measured by what one can gain for oneself, but rather by what one can gain for others.

This is the gospel story, the story that God Himself would come and die so that others may live.

What if this was the story that we all lived for?  

Of course, we all presume to undertake the task of Christian leadership with this ideal, but I know that somehow in the throes of ministry ambition, I can often get lost in measuring my life by a different story.

The story of ministry “success” for me can become about how big an audience I preach to week to week, how many books I’ve published, the largeness of my social media following, and the list goes on and on.

I can even baptize these “successes” in the name of kingdom advancement, but lost in all of this is how me-centered this advancement can become.

And so again, what does the gospel call me to that’s bigger than that personal, narrow story?

How will I measure my life so that what endures is stronger and goes farther than ever before?

These are the questions that HeroMaker is all about – the question of how can we most deeply live into the gospel story and how can we invest in our lives so that what endures goes far beyond my own personal advancement.

Special Invitation from Drew


Drew Hyun is one of over 50 speakers at the Exponential Regional conferences this fall. Join Drew and others at the Washington DC or New York City regional conferences!

Hero Maker Conferences

Hero Maker is the theme for Exponential 2018. The theme focuses on the shift from being the hero to coming alongside others for them to become the heroes in our church’s unfolding story. At each conference, we will unpack the 5 essential practices for leaders to multiply leaders: multiplication thinking, permission giving, disciple multiplying, gift activating, and kingdom building.

 5 Main Sessions 10+ Speakers FREE Equipping Labs

Regional Conference Locations

  • Washington, DC: September 10-11
  • Southern California: October 2-4
  • Bay Area: October 22-23
  • Houston: October 24-25
  • Chicago: November 6-7
  • New York City: December 5-6

To learn more and to register for any of the 2018 Hero Maker conferences, click here.