East Meets West | Ray Chang | DJ Chuang

March 8, 2017

The danger is that culture becomes more important than the Gospel. – Ray Chang

In this podcast from Exponential West 2016, Ray Chang and DJ Chuang explore the future of church planting among Asian-Americans as well as the development and deployment of Asian-American church planters. They explore the unique challenges of the Asian-American culture and exciting opportunities among Asian-American planters and churches. In addition, they look at some important statistics, as well as focus on models for reaching the next generation of Asian-Americans. Both Ray and DJ planted a church with a majority Asian-American congregation near Washington D.C. in 1996, and they have launched a movement for mobilizing Asian-Americans to plant churches.

Join Ray and DJ at Exponential East 2017, where they will lead workshops on Asian-American culture and church planting.

Key Highlights:

  • Unique characteristics of Asian-American culture and church planting
  • Challenges to integrating cultures
East Meets West: Church Planting at the Intersection of Asian-American Culture – DJ Chuang & Ray Chang

DJ Chuang works as a freelance strategy consultant while being particularly adept as a resource hunter and people connector. He currently works with the .BIBLE Registry, a new top-level domain for all things Bible.

Ray has been actively engaged in church planting with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) for the past 17 years. Planting two multi-ethnic churches (Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, CA), Ray has a vision to plant churches – reaching and building bridges to all nations.

Ray Chang

Ray Chang

Ray has been actively engaged in church planting with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) for the past 17 years.  Having planted two multi-ethnic churches (Washington, DC and Los Angeles, CA), Ray has a vision to continue planting churches—reaching and building bridges to all nations.
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