EMPOWERED: Life in the Spirit

November 24, 2021


Excerpt from
Empowered: Pastoral Perspectives on Life and Leadership in the Spirit

by Todd Proctor and Josh Harrison with contributions from Harvey Carey, Kathleen Doyle, Darren Rouanzoin, Craig Springer, Chris Wienand and Jon Tyson.


A quick reading of the book of Acts re-familiarizes us with the original story that a rag-tag group of wide-eyed, open-handed, ill-equipped but faith-filled pioneers was taken way off-script to write the story of the first-century Church. Their part was humble, courageous availability. What happened in and through them could only make sense because they waited for, and ultimately received, a power source that was completely outside of themselves.

Leaders and communities are embracing increased reliance on the work and power of the Spirit for whatever the future holds. We are self-deceived if we think we need this—need Him—any less. 

How do we not miss out? How do we ensure we are rightly using the power of the Holy Spirit? That’s the question Empowered will seek to answer. 

And rather than making you wait, here’s the answer right up front: For the gift of the power of the Holy Spirit to be used correctly, we must first understand the character of the Giver. 

Who is He? 

Why has He given us this gracious gift? 

How does He expect us to use it? 

“These questions are essential as we approach this conversation about the Holy Spirit,” Author Josh Harrison explains. “The answer to each of these questions is, ‘Love.’ God is love. He has given us His Holy Spirit because He loves us and loves the world. He intends for us to use the gift of the Holy Spirit to love Him, love one another, and love the world.”

Josh Harrison, pastor of Canopy Church (Costa Mesa, California), has done skillful work in laying out a biblical foundation in each chapter for how the Spirit fills and fuels our lives and communities in vital ways. We explore an empowered heart, life, culture, mission, movement, and moment.

As Josh takes the lead through each chapter in exploring this empowered call, you will then be introduced to courageous pioneers of churches across the nation who will share ways these convictions have been worked out in their contexts.  

These Spirit-filled leaders don’t offer aspirational theories. They document discovered wisdom that comes from being called beyond their comfort zones to lead others where they first ventured themselves. 

Confronted with more unknowns than most of us have ever faced, it is vital to remember that uncharted waters can also hold exhilarating adventure when we invite God to take the rudder and send the wind.

Let’s accept this invitation, and offer one of our own . . . .

“Come, Holy Spirit.”

Let Empowered: Pastoral Perspectives on Life & Leadership in the Spirit lay the groundwork for you and your leadership team prior to Exponential 2022 in Orlando, Florida in March.

EMPOWERED Pastoral Perspectives on Life & Leadership in the Spirit is now available in ebook and print versions at Amazon

Empowered: Moving with the Spirit is Exponential’s theme throughout 2022. You’re invited to ​​join the journey as we seek his presence together.

Exponential kicks off Empowered in Orlando March 7-10, 2022 with 150+ speakers, 200 workshops, 15+ pre-conference intensives, and 75+ networks and denominations in sunny Florida. For more information and to register for Exponential 2022, go to exponential.org/2022.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]