Project: EntreChurch

Greg Atkinson Headshot

Leader: Greg Atkinson 



We help pastors and churches start and support businesses to the success of the future church in the U.S.

Project Categories

  • Innovative Approaches to Church Planting
  • Innovative Approaches to Disciple-Making
  • Innovative Approaches to Mobilization
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Church Planting for the Next Generation
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Disciple-Making for the Next Generation
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Mobilizing the Next Generation

Big Idea and Overview

The tide is turning in how churches are funded.

We help pastors and churches build and support thriving businesses.

At EntreChurch, we envision more than survival; it’s about thriving, leading by example, and fostering businesses that resonate with our core values. Missional businesses that allow us to make an impact in our communities. It’s time for a paradigm shift in how we view church finances. EntreChurch stands at the forefront of a global movement, empowering pastors and churches to establish and nurture thriving businesses. Imagine learning the nuances of entrepreneurship from seasoned, world-class entrepreneurs and discovering how your ministry can tap into marketplace opportunities to unlock financial freedom. Embracing this call to business is about saying “Yes” to God’s invitation to venture into uncharted territories. It’s about leveraging our God-given entrepreneurial spirit to dream big and impact big.

Customer / Mission Field Context

We equip pastors, church planters, and church staff to supplement their income. We also work with churches who would like to start a business that operates out of their church.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  • We will end the stigma of bi-vocational ministry. There are over 1 million bi-vocational pastors in America, according to Thom Rainer.
  • We will come alongside pastors and churches with conferences, cohorts, coaching, and retreats to help them grow, learn, stay encouraged and focused, and make sure they don’t burn out.
  • We will blaze a trail in the academic world with our Academic Team of Advisors who will work with us to change the way pastors are taught in college and seminary.

Results and

  • We’re just going public and would love the opportunity to win money to support our Fall North American Tour. We’re going to the West Coast and East Coast of the US, as well as the West and East of Canada to encourage them and learn from them.

Media Assets

Snapshots of Innovation
Exponential NEXT Podcast