Regular Registrations for Exponential Global 2024 Are Now Sold Out!
This registration portal is exclusively for sponsor reps, workshop speakers, or pre-paid group attendees who still need to register. If you fall into one of these categories, you can apply your code to reduce the registration cost on the checkout page after entering your attendee details. Simply look for the “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code” text, insert your code, and complete the billing information to finalize your registration.
Registration steps:
- Select the number of tickets to add to your registration directly below then click “Get Tickets”
- Complete the attendee information for each person on the attendee pop-up screen then click “Checkout Now”
- If you already have a user account on our site, click “Returning customer? Click here to login” and insert your username / email and your password.
- Locate the “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code”, click, and enter your code
- Complete the Billing Details section and then click “Place Order” to finish the process
If you need further assistance, please email [email protected].