It is common to look for “the guy” who will build a “launch team” to “plant a church.” But we are seeking to uncover and awaken a new structure, or “wineskin”: the five-fold typology of apostles, prophets, evangelist, shepherds, and teachers (mentioned in Ephesians 4) in both small faith communities and in a network. All five voices must be heard and sing in harmony, both at the microchurch level and at the network level.
In this webinar, we will explore the five-fold team as the optimal source of leadership in the new wineskin.
We are reimagining the church as a decentralized network of multiplying missionaries and microchurches that fill a city or region with the fullness of Jesus. For most of us, that requires a shift from the centralized form of leadership that we’ve been using to a decentralized one.
This decentralized form of the church requires a new wineskin: a culture of decentralized, poly-centric leadership with flat structures. In this miniseries, we will dig into the source, structure, scorecard, speed, and skill of leadership in this new wineskin.