Generational thinking does not come naturally to most of us. By “generational thinking,” we mean intentionally planning and being cognizant of our own actions, preparation, and decisions that will affect our family, community, and world 40 years from now.
In the work of disciple-making, slow is the new fast. In fact, movement happens when multiple strands of disciple-makers are doing the slow work while reproducing that slow work in others. It gives the appearance of speed, but appearances can be deceiving. In this webinar, we will explore the speed of leadership in the new wineskin.
We are reimagining the Church as a decentralized network of multiplying missionaries and microchurches that fill a city or region with the fullness of Jesus. For most of us, that requires a shift from the centralized form of leadership that we’ve been using to a decentralized one.
This decentralized form of the Church requires a new wineskin: a culture of decentralized, polycentric leadership with flat structures. In this miniseries, we will dig into the source, structure, scorecard, speed, and skill of leadership in this new wineskin.