Project: Fathers on the Move

Josh Dotzler Headshot
Victor Glover Headshot

Leader: Victor Glover 



Discover, Develop, Deploy churches and planters in Federal/State prisons while implementing fatherhood and reducing recidivism.

Project Categories

  • Innovative Approaches to Church Planting
  • Innovative Approaches to Disciple-Making
  • Innovative Approaches to Mobilization
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Church Planting for the Next Generation
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Disciple-Making for the Next Generation
  • Emerging Ministry Leaders Pioneering New Approaches to Mobilizing the Next Generation

Big Idea and Overview

The idea was implemented at Bunter Federal Prison with Fathers On The Move delivering pre and post release services at this prison facility. This initiative started with a twelve weeks level one training and graduation then level two, another twelve weeks (leadership development) and graduation with each graduate giving a three-minute speech. First class 11/16/2017 and graduation 8/29/2018 with 125 men graduating then completed three more graduations totaling 570 men graduating before classes ending 02/20/2020 due to pandemic. Launched Discipleship 2019 with 50 books that continued through shutdown that ultimately planted the church.

Customer / Mission Field Context

Primary customer equipping and sending formerly/incarcerated men who are leading their families, churches, and fresh expressions while making disciples for Christ.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  • Develop whole men that live, love and walk like Christ.
  • To know what real fatherhood looks like.
  • Make disciples who become disciple-makers.
  • Leadership Development (APEST)
  • Church Planting and Fresh Expressions development inside and outside of prisons

Results and

Fathers On The Move was the first program to go back into our Federal prison upon reopening post Covid in 2023. We went from one service a week to now two services a week with FOTM class and church service. We daughtered out another location before Covid shutdown from here at Orange Correctional 2019-2020. Had first ever 3 night Revival December 2023 that concluded with 17 men being baptized and 50 more discipleship books given out. Since then, we have baptized 50 men all together! Revival has now spread to our granddaughter, our newest location 2023-2024 Randolph Correctional that also had a 3 night Revival in March. Last week we gave out a second round of discipleship books. We’re getting ready to go into Pender and Wake Correctional by the end of June.  We now in 2024 have locations springing up or in development across the country with these men who’ve graduated from FOTM.

Media Assets

Snapshots of Innovation
Exponential NEXT Podcast