FCP 17 | Jate Earhart, Love Clan

August 4, 2022


    Love Clan is specifically targeting people who otherwise would have nothing to do with Jesus. Love Clan has created a community of gamers through Discord (like an advanced message group, primarily used by gamers) who have formed true community.

    Love Clan believes that being active in people’s lives and praying for them is the easiest door into deeper conversations. The goal is to be active in people’s lives and pray for them. 

    Listen to Episode 17 of the podcast and access the show notes below.

    Future Church Insights:

    1. Jate talks about the gaming platform

    Jate says he tries to reach different people each day through gaming. He notes that his number one focus is on seekers and non-Christians.

    2. Jate talks about meeting people

    He mentions that his main goal is to form relationships – through prayer and open communication.

    3. Jate shares some stories

    Jate mentions two different instances (of many) where people have joined him in games and begun to ask questions. As they stuck around for multiple days, they learned more and have both been baptized and are now actively involved in the Love Clan Community or have planted their own online church community.

    Goals and Desired Outcomes: 

    There are still 3 months left before I’ve been streaming full time for a year, but these are the metrics I want to continue to see increase. I don’t have exact goals for by how much because it still is fluctuating a lot from month to month.

    1. 184k chat messages (over 9 months) — When someone chats, we connect. 
    2. 1.6 million total minutes watched (over 9 months) — Not everyone chats right away, some just want to watch and see first. This number isn’t as important to me as the chat messages number, but I expect to see it continue to go up.
    3. 1 streamer reproduced (over 9 months) — I’ve gotten other people to try live streaming, but I’ve only gotten 1 who is leading a Bible discussion once a week like I am currently. I have plans to start a stream team where this would be one of the requirements, but that’s definitely an up-and-coming goal I’d like to see happen in the next year.

    Links — Search: JateLIVE

    Quotes from Jate Earhart:

    “I don’t want to get too big as far as the live stream goes. I actually don’t want it to be thousands, and someday it may be. God willing, he does his thing. But that’s why I feel the need to replicate. It’s why multiplication is so important to me because I see the benefit from having the small right now.” (26:22)

    “…the best and worst thing about online is that it’s anonymous.” (34:44)

    “I mean, for gaming, specifically, I would just say it’s such a big medium. It’s bigger than Hollywood and sports combined. I mean, the reason it’s like 35 average is because it’s more just saying pretty much like everybody has some touching point on it.” (33:50)