FCP 23 | David Drury, One Multichurch Network

October 22, 2022

The One Multichurch Network of 40+ microchurch leaders in North America seeks to mobilize an additional 100 microchurch leaders by offering a high-energy, inspiring, training events that will draw in those interested in alternative ways of making disciples and multiply the church and launch out those who just need to take that next step to go for it.

The One Multichurch Network is transitioning from a largely quiet and underground relational network of 40+ microchurch leaders to recruit and mobilize leaders and launch dozens more microchurches in 2022. Our approach is to build of our strengths of 1) existing relationships tended by weekly meetings, journey group coaching, and online message board, 2) our network of external training, resourcing, and mobilizing partners, 3) our existing super-simple self-directed online training, 4) our free resources to assist in launching to now build a bridge into recruiting from a much broader platform of potential microchurch leaders.

Listen to Episode 23 of the podcast and access the show notes below.

Future Church Insights: 

(1) The biggest gap in ministry training right now.

There is a great deal of in-depth training as it is for those who’ve already experienced some form of Christian ministry training already. However, there aren’t a whole lot of entry-level trainings for people that are new Christians who just wanted to reach their friends and do something that would connect with them. Typical church training is too long and complicated for most of us. To reach those in the US who won’t respond to an invitation to a public worship service, we need to simplify training to the essentials so everyone can get involved.

(2) Why spiritual conversations aren’t happening outside of the church walls.   

As we become more event focused in the inherited church, most people are equipped to invite to a weekend service. However, research has shown that 49% of people who would be invited to church cannot imagine themselves going even if invited. That means we’re leaving half of the people on the table and a normal church attendee doesn’t know how to adapt to that situation. But if someone was to be invited to your living room or a place like a coffee shop, those chances skyrocket.

(3) People need options to match their style of learning.

David and his team offer “Two Styles of Training” on their website. One is a self-paced online training, the other is an interactive online training via video conference. We’ve found that people that like one way don’t prefer the other. Sure, people could try out both, but they’re roughly the same length, and cover the same stuff. The self-paced version is particularly designed for those who would rather just roll up their sleeves right now and learn what they need to know at their own pace, not attend an event. It’s best for visual/spatial, logical, or solitary/intrapersonal learners. The live event version is particularly designed for those who need to “attend” something and participate rather than do something self-directed. It’s best for aural, verbal, or social/interpersonal learners. We thought it was key to not force everyone to go about it in the same way—and to give people options, since everyone is different.

Goals and Desired Outcomes of The Greenhouse Network:

  • Initial “lead” indicator: Exposing 1,000 unique individuals to new wineskin approaches to disciple-making and multiplication through online training events
  • Tracking each of these in system for ongoing connection/options to launch
  • Mobilizing 100 unique individuals into making disciples and multiplying a microchurch within their community.
  • Connecting each into existing Journey Groups, free resources, and online message board
  • Endgame outcome: M = 100mc + 4g3 (Movement equals 100 new microchurch starts that are 4th generation multiplications within 3 years of a 1st generation start)
  • Enlist doctoral level researchers to comb our data to connect the dots in a study of a movement on what would feel like more organic growth on our end. Perhaps do this connected with other such underground microchurch networks for comparison and contrast, and learnings and threads of insight.



Key Quotes from the episode from Joel Repic:

“We want to be initially measurable, but eventually untraceable.”

“We need all kinds of churches for all kinds of people. It’s time to diversify in how we’re doing this and diversify our evangelism portfolio. One of the most impressive things that I’ve seen with brick-and-mortar churches is that some of them are using our resources to empower their people to do things outside of the church walls. That’s a real Kingdom mindset.”

“There are a lot of people that have burning questions in them or even some hurts or worries that they need to ask somebody. Just being able to have a conversation about God with people in a non-threatening setting creates a safe space to talk with friends about Jesus. That’s really what they need. We don’t have to have a slick presentation or a memorized rubric, all we need are questions to ask. Questions are better because they start conversations, they don’t try to end them.”

“The only common denominator of success for starting and sustaining in this space is actual relationships with unchurched people. If they have those people in their life, they can start a micro. If they keep those people in their life, that’s the lifeblood of it.”