FCP 25 | E-2 Network

February 15, 2023

    Equip and Encourage Army disciple makers virtually to make disciples wherever they are sent locally. 

    Disciple makers in the E-2 Network, regardless of physical location, will always have connection to an intentional community living to advance the Kingdom of Jesus in the Army context.

    The E-2 Network exists to Encourage and Equip Disciple makers for the unique challenges of Kingdom Ministry in the Army. A monthly zoom huddle—for training and encouragement—connects like-minded believers with a heart for ministry to soldiers and their families.

    Listen to Episode 25 of the podcast and access the show notes below. 

    Future Church Insights:

    1. The unique challenges of ministering to members of the military. 

    For somebody who is outside of the military to try and reach people who are serving in uniform, there are a lot of physical barriers to access a base or that community. One of the biggest challenges is the simple fact that military families move every few years and in between those moves, service members are often gone for trainings, deployments, or other things. Because of this, it can be a very disruptive time in their life to create any sort of spiritual continuity. 

    1. The benefits of a virtual community. 

    Often when you’re stationed overseas, there isn’t a lot of notice for when you’ll be traveling elsewhere so being a part of a virtual community where you are checking in regularly for encouragement and discipleship knocks down the hesitation to go deep in relationships. So if you’re able to stay connected with a community of like-minded people, there’s no need to start from scratch every time you move to another physical location. 

    1. The importance of self-care. 

    In this line of work, it takes a lot of energy and effort in addition to the normal army requirements that are expected of these service men and women. Considering that, it’s crucial to establish a solid balance of sacrifice and self-care. It’s important for us to take care of ourselves and to recognize our limitations as people because we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin and burn out. Learning what we want to do well and consistently addressing our capacity to love others well with mission is key to being successful in this type of ministry. 

    Goals and Desired Outcomes of Equip + Encourage Network:

    • Make discipleship about people. Discipleship is done in the context of relationships.
    • Quality is better than quantity.
    • Obedience is better than competence.
    • Disciples are made one at a time. They cannot be mass produced.
    • Competent disciple-makers cannot be created overnight. Disciple-making is a continual process.
    • Discipleship is a team sport, conducted in the context of a spiritual family.



    Key Quotes from the episode from Josh and Megan:

    “Disciples are people and discipleship is done in the context of relationships. That’s what discipleship is all about.” 

    “Quality is better than quantity. We would rather have a few folks who are committed walking with Jesus than 100 folks who are only halfway in it.”

    “Disciples are made one at a time, they cannot be mass produced. We don’t try to mass produce anything. How many folks are in at one particular time is not a metric that we consider an ultimate measure of success.” 

    One of the dangers that us in the military can fall into is that we can be more in love with the mission than with Jesus. It’s just a natural output of how we’re wired and what sometimes we’re rewarded for. Our job at the end of the day is to create a spiritual family. It’s a team sport.”