FCP 29 | Jordan Whitmer, HowToLife Movement

July 19, 2023


    HowToLife is a fast-growing global youth movement of students to reach, disciple, and mobilize Gen Z for Jesus. A new study from The Barna Group reports that, “Generation Z is the Least Christian Generation in American History.”

     Here are some sobering conclusions:

    • 35% of Generation Z teens consider themselves to be atheist, agnostic, or not affiliated with any religion.
    • Only one out of three agree with the statement, “Lying is morally wrong.”
    • Only 4% of today’s teenagers hold a biblical worldview.

    These aren’t just statistics. These represent the lives of our generation. How can we reverse these trends? What we need is a spiritual awakening in today’s young people. Our generation desperately needs Jesus.

    ​HowToLife is a proven strategy that works. The right message, the Gospel, is delivered through the right messengers – high school student leaders. And God is transforming hearts.

    Listen to Episode 29 of the podcast and access the show notes below. 

    Future Church Insights: 

    1. HowToLife Movement mobilizes some of the sharpest Gen Z leaders and influencers in North America and Europe, hosting youth-led outreach events, leadership retreats, online conferences, and digital media content to impact countless Gen Z young people around the world with the Gospel.
    2. The movement has grown to over 140 student-led outreaches in 28 US states and eight countries across three continents, with the events being organized by local event directors, aged between 16 and 22, who receive training and guidance from Movement leaders.
    3. HowToLife aims to equip young people to reach their peers with the gospel of Jesus Christ, believing that teenagers and youth listen to other teens and youth more than other voices in their lives, including family, teachers, and church leaders. The Movement’s vetting process ensures that potential event organizers are walking with the Lord, have leadership skills, and are plugged into a good local church community before they are given the green light to plan an event.

    Goals and Desired Outcomes of OCNWTR Church:

    • Young people coming to faith across the U.S. and internationally, evangelism for the next generation reaching Gen Z in their context.
    • Young, growing Christians being discipled by their peers and intentional mentors
    • Next-generation leaders being equipped and mobilized to reach their generation through strategic events and initiatives.



    Key Quotes from the episode from Jordan Whitmer:

    “If a spiritual awakening doesn’t happen, the future of this generation, nation, and world is unthinkable. We are one generation away from becoming a world that completely ‘forgot God.’” 

    “Our vision is to see a generation of young people rescuing the lost, making disciples, loving God, and loving people – fulfilling the Great Commission.”