Fleshy Evangelism | Hugh Halter | Exponential

FORGE America's Hugh Halter discusses how the gospel spreads through missional communities

December 2, 2016

Hugh Halter is a church planter, pastor, consultant, and self-described missionary to the United States. He is the U.S. Director of FORGE America, an apprenticing community committed to training men and women to live as missionaries where they are.

In this podcast from Exponential East 2016, Hugh shares the evangelism process he personally experienced and now trains people in–a new and doable way to influence the hearts of those “far from God.” Hugh directs his focus to evangelism inside missional communities and how the witness of the gospel happens through natural life and intentional neighborhood and network engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • The essentials of organic evangelism
  • A missional interpretation of discipleship
  • What evangelism looks like inside missional communities
  • How the gospel flows through intentional neighborhood engagement

Join the Forge team at Exponential East 2017, where Hugh and others will lead workshops focused on missional living.

Fleshy Evangelism – Hugh Halter