Frontlines Episode 13 – Leadership Development and Support Raising

January 4, 2021


Leadership Development through church planting faces tough decisions every day.

Church planters often find, financial insecurity, market volatility, and the simple question of “how can we fund this next needed leader,” as barriers to the mission. This causes leadership development to slow down and the missional movement we desire seemingly stall.

What if these tough decisions were not dictated by the financial realities facing each unique context?
What if a simple and biblical funding model could provide a needed catalyst to our leadership development that will aid taking the gospel to our communities, cities, and ultimately the ends of the earth?

The Frontlines program seeks to encourage and equip pastors and planters to better understand and navigate the current and future trends in church ministry. Hosted by veteran church multiplication leaders, each episode invites thought leaders and advanced practitioners in ministry to inform and inspire pastors and planters as they continue in day-to-day ministry.

The uncertainty, stress, and loneliness affecting church planters and pastors seems like it is at an all-time high. Each week, church leaders are faced with more and more complex issues to solve and decisions to make. And, even the best decisions made by church leadership teams seem to only result in more uncertainty and questioning by their congregation. This 12-episode weekly show will host conversations on the current issues church leaders are facing. Being on the frontlines of Kingdom advancement as pastor or church planter is a constant barrage of uncertainty and challenges.