Frontlines Episode 19 – Overcoming the Challenges of Launching a Church

January 20, 2021


Join us for Episode 19 with host Peyton Jones as he interviews Nathan Camp, CEO of StartCHURCH.

Nathan will discuss topics such as:

If I am a church planter, what steps do I need to take to establish my legal foundation?
Can I be ordained through the church I start?
What does a balanced board mean? Can I have family members on my board?
How does having your 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status help a church?
Does StartCHURCH offer services for Established Churches?

The Frontlines program seeks to encourage and equip pastors and planters to better understand and navigate the current and future trends in church ministry. Hosted by veteran church multiplication leaders, each episode invites thought leaders and advanced practitioners in ministry to inform and inspire pastors and planters as they continue in day-to-day ministry.