How to Launch and Build a Gospel Saturation Movement in Your City or Geography

November 7, 2016

We all want to see a movement happen in our city or geography. The reality is movements don’t happen by a singular church, organization or individual. Movements are driven by collaboration and catalyzed by Kingdom-minded leaders. In this workshop, we will discuss 7 essentials to building a thriving collaborative city movement focused on saturating your city with the Gospel. We will look at where to start, how to build a catalytic team, the difference between being church plant-centric and city-centric, understanding the “3rd dimension of your city,” as well as other critical factors to successful city movements and planting churches in your city. The goal of this workshop is to provide the tools and knowledge necessary to catalyze or strengthen a gospel saturation movement in your city or unique geography.

How to Launch and Build a Gospel Saturation Movement in Your City or Geography – Chris Lagerlof