Growing Fire | Larry Walkemeyer | Exponential

December 28, 2016

Daily are you adding firewood to this sacrifice of ministry that you are making? – Larry Walkemeyer

Drawing from four decades of ministry life, a large research project and overseeing the ministries of large numbers of pastors, Larry shares the essential principles he and others have used to “grow their fire.” God desires for his servants to experience an increasing zeal for life, for relationships, for worship, and for ministry. It’s possible! This podcast from Exponential East 2016 identifies the “buckets” which threaten to douse the fire and the “logs” which grow the flame. How to live “fired up” without “burning out” is vital knowledge for every leader.

Join Larry Walkemeyer at Exponential East 2017, where he will be leading more workshops on leading in ministry.

Key Highlights:

  • Three questions to build your passion
  • Taking responsibility for your passion level
  • Relying on the Holy Spirit
Growing Fire – Larry Walkemeyer

Larry serves as the Lead Pastor of Light & Life Christian Fellowship in Long Beach, CA. Starting with a handful of committed “white folks,” the church has grown into a large multi-ethnic church transforming its tough urban neighborhood. A priority on local and global church planting has led to the start of 19 churches nationally and dozens in Ethiopia, Philippines and Indonesia.

Larry Walkemeyer

Larry Walkemeyer

Larry Walkemeyer serves as Strategic Catalyst for Multiplication for Free Methodist USA to encourage the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches nationally. He is also Global Pastor for Light & Life Church, a multiplying, multi-ethnic church he and his wife Deb have led for the past thirty years. Larry also is Director of Equipping and Spiritual Engagement for Exponential. He holds a Doctor of Ministry and has authored several books.

Larry and Dr. Deb Walkemeyer have been married since 1978 and they write and speak frequently on marriage. They have two adult daughters. Larry enjoys snow skiing, waterskiing, biking, mission trips and long walks on the beach.

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