Healthy Rhythms Episode 3 – Non-Anxious Leadership

March 12, 2021


Pastors today are as busy as ever. There are ministry initiatives to oversee, staff to lead, a pandemic to navigate, and Sunday still comes every week. Between busyness, the ability to be reached at any time with technology, and the pressure of leadership, it’s no surprise that church leaders can be some of the most anxious people anywhere.

That’s why we’ve invited Todd Hunter, veteran church leader and lecturer, to share with us what non-anxious leaders looks like. He’ll give some practical wisdom, mined through his decades of experience, and answer questions. Don’t miss this important conversation.

“Todd reminds us that the church is not a place to go to, simply another meeting, but the way God has chosen to make himself known in our world. —Ed Stetzer

“Todd Hunter has provided a concrete and practical strategy for 21st century Christian living and witness.” —Dallas Willard

“Todd Hunter draws on ancient practices in order to provide insight and strategy to face temptations in our lives.” —Margaret Feinberg