Healthy Rhythms for Thriving Leaders Episode 2 – Avoiding Burnout in Challenging Times

February 12, 2021


This webinar series is hosted by Winfield Bevins and Keri Ladouceur. In the second episode, they will interview Jud Wilhite, Senior Pastor of Central Church.

Leaders run out of perspective long before we run out of runway. Join us for the next episode of healthy rhythms for thriving leaders as we unpack Avoiding Burnout in Challenging Times. We will be joined by special guest Jud Wilhite, pastor of Central Christian Church, as he shares his own journey of nearly burning out while pastoring one of the largest churches in North America. Jud has extensive experience leading through challenging times not just personally, but as his city navigated the aftermath of trauma and loss as well.

If you want to embrace and engage healthier, more sustainable rhythms for your ministry and personal leadership, you do not want to miss this free webinar. You’ll even have a chance to ask your burning questions during a time of live Q&A.