Hero Maker Practice 4: Gift Activating

The Practice of Gift Activating

July 18, 2018

The Practice of Gift Activating

The fourth practice of hero making is all about activating the gifts that others already possess. This is fundamentally a shift in blessing. When we go from asking God to bless the use of our own gifts to asking God to bless the leaders we’re sending out, there is a far greater kingdom impact.

Jesus gives us an example of gift activating in Matthew 28. He says, “I have all authority, and now I’m going to use it through you as you go out.” With that, He literally commissions them to go into the world and make disciples, and He activates their gifts.

To make heroes of others, we have to stop trying to fill positions and start commissioning people to do God’s work. Jesus’ mission is far greater than we can accomplish through our own gifts, or even a single church’s gifts. Just as Jesus commissioned his disciples, we must activate God’s unique gifts in the leaders we are raising up.

Top 3 Gift Activating Resources

Resource 1 – FREE Online Assessment

Interested in assessing your personal multiplication leadership capacity (i.e. your “hero making capacity”)? We’ve created a simple, FREE online tool that takes less than 30 minutes to complete. You will immediately see your results on a 5 level scale. Click the button below to take the assessment.

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Resource 2 – Video Summary

Dave Ferguson provides a brief overview of Gift Activating.

Resource 3 – Audio Interview

Brian Sanders joins Exponential President Dave Ferguson to discuss the fourth essential practice in the hero-making process: Gift Activating. Brian serves as the founder and executive director of the Underground, a family of lay-led microchurches based in Tampa, Florida. As a leader bent on the premise that the church is people and mission, he is obsessed with helping people find the calling and assignment God has given them. He and the Underground are gift activators.


Upcoming Articles

Interested in learning more about the journey from hero to hero maker?  Over the coming weeks, I will be walking through the other essential practices, including Kingdom Building.
