Hero Maker Practice 3: Disciple Multiplying

In this podcast, Troy McMahon shares how a DNA of investing in others changed his life and has transformed his ministry

November 13, 2017

Our dream is to invest in others to see 100 churches planted in the next 10 years.

Troy McMahon joins Exponential President Dave Ferguson for the fourth session in the Hero Maker podcast series as we look at the third essential practice in the hero-making process: Disciple Multiplying. Troy is the epitome of what it means to be a disciple multiplier. He started apprenticing as a small group leader at Community Christian Church and went on to become Community’s first campus pastor. Eleven years ago, he planted Restore Church in Kansas City, Kansas, which has planted 41 churches to date. And now Troy is leading a NewThing network of local churches to plant 100 more churches in the city.

An Interview with Dave Ferguson & Troy McMahon on disciple multiplying

In this podcast, Troy looks back on his journey at his 10 years at Community Christian Church and how divine intersections have led him to his current ministry of multiplying disciples and reproducing churches. He also shares how he continues to consistently apprentice others and use the five steps of apprenticeship Community has developed, as well as why he started Restore Church with three church-planter apprentices in tow and how he’s now partnering with churches from three different denominations to change the spiritual landscape of Kansas City.

“Our dream is to invest in others to see 100 churches planted in the city in the next 10 years. If we can embed the reproductive DNA in those churches, then by the end of that decade we’ll see a number of those churches reproduce. And so it’s not just starting the first generation; we’re starting the second or third generation as well.”

McMahon also offers a hero-making challenge to church leaders. Listen to it here.

Troy McMahon is the founding/lead pastor of Restore Church in Kansas City, Kansas and is the co-author (with Dan Southerland) of the Exponential eBook More Than BBQ: How God Is Creating a Citywide Church Planting Movement in Kansas City. Visit exponential.org/2018 to learn more about becoming a hero maker and leading a Level 5 multiplication culture.