Hero Maker Practice 5: Kingdom Building

Level 5 multiplier Ralph Moore shares his journey of multiplying 2,400+ churches around the world

November 13, 2017


Ralph Moore joins Exponential President Dave Ferguson for the sixth session in the Hero Maker podcast series as we look at the fifth and final essential practice in the process of shifting from hero to hero maker: Kingdom Building.

Ralph is the founder of the Hope Chapel movement, which has ties to more than 2,400 known churches across the world—one of the few Level 5 multiplying churches Exponential has uncovered in the United States. Ralph is a true Kingdom builder who early on made the shift from counting nickels and noses (building his empire) to counting disciples (advancing God’s Kingdom).

An Interview with Dave Ferguson & Ralph Moore on kingdom building

In this podcast, Ralph talks about how he began thinking church multiplication at age nineteen and how he moved from Level 4 reproduction to Level 5 multiplication when he identified and pursued a greater vision bigger than one church.

“It’s the Holy Spirit’s business to make things happen,” he says. “As leaders, it’s our business to identify that potential and then bless it.”

Capping off the Hero Making podcast, Ralph looks at all five hero-making practices and shares inspiring examples of how he has led and lived them out, including the hero makers who came alongside him and believed in him as a multiplication leader—people, he says, who “went out of their way to spend time with me and let me know they believed in me.”

Perhaps more than anything, his answer to Ferguson’s question, “Who are you discipling right now?” brings us up close to hear what a true hero maker and Kingdom builder looks and sounds like. Without hesitating, he goes through the long list of people (by name), both here and abroad, that he’s currently discipling.

“I just want to make sure that I’m building the Kingdom, that our church is building the Kingdom,” he says. “And then hopefully my deal is I’m making heroes out of people, telling a lot of stories, and keeping the vision alive.”

Ralph Moore is and Level 5 multiplier and founder of Hope Chapel movement, which to date has ties to more than 2,400 churches worldwide. He is the author of multiple books, such as How to Multiply Your Church and most recently, New to Five: Starting a Level 5 Multiplying Church (with Jeff Christopherson). Currently, he’s leading a church in Hawaii of 300 people that have planted eight churches. Next month, he will retire from that church and head back to California, where he hopes to plant a church in San Diego’s gay community. Visit exponential.org/2018 to learn more about becoming a hero maker and leading a Level 5 multiplication culture.