Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders

FREE Webinar for Church leaders

January 18, 2018


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Topic: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders

Hero Maker is the theme for Exponential 2018. The theme focuses on the shift from being the hero to coming alongside others for them to become the heroes in our church’s unfolding story. Leading a level 5 multiplying church requires Christ-like humility, dying to self, a God-given, Kingdom vision and a daring shift in the following practices:

  • Multiplication Thinking: The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders.
  • Permission Giving: The practice of permission giving is a shift from seeing what God can do through my own leadership to seeing what God can do through other leaders.
  • Disciple Multiplying: The practice of disciple multiplying is a shift from sharing what I’ve learned to add followers to sharing what I’ve learned in ways that multiply disciples to the fourth generation.
  • Gift Activating: The practice of gift activating is a shift from asking God to bless the use of my own gifts to asking God to bless leaders whom I am sending out.
  • Kingdom Building: The practice of kingdom building is a shift from counting the people who show up at my thing to counting the leaders who go out and do God’s thing.

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Join Dave Ferguson in this exclusive webinar on the five essential practices for leaders to multiply leaders.

Date: Jan 24, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM in Eastern Time.


Dave Ferguson is the lead pastor of Community Christian Church, an innovative multi-site missional community that is passionate about “helping people find their way back to God.” Community has grown from a few college friends to thousands every weekend meeting at eleven locations in the Chicago area and has been recognized as one of America’s most influential churches.

Dave provides visionary leadership for NewThing, whose mission is to be a catalyst for movements of reproducing churches. He is the president and board chair for Exponential, the largest church planting conference in the world and is on the board of Leadership Network. He is also an adjunct professor at Wheaton Graduate School and and award-winning author of eight books, including Hero Maker: 5 Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders.