LNP11 | How the BLESS Rhythms Lead to Microchurches

Leadership Network Podcast | Episode 11

October 10, 2022

Guest: Jon Ferguson
Author, Speaker

We remember these five rhythms through the acrostic of B.L.E.S.S.:

  • EAT

BLESS is five simple rhythms, it isn’t a program or a series of linear steps. BLESS isn’t about adding something; it’s about infusing everyday activities we’re already doing with new gospel intentionality. The rhythms are simple enough for a five-year-old to understand, but robust enough to create missionaries in every neighborhood in Kansas City… and every city. We desire to see a missionary on every street and a microchurch in every network living these simple missionary rhythms in one primary context, or network of relationships.

The goal is for these rhythms to become like breathing, natural and almost unconscious. For each of the BLESS rhythms, we must learn how to breathe in and breathe out. In other words, with BLESS, for each of the rhythms, there is an in and out motion.

Leadership Podcast Series:
Return of the Microchurch

The missional conversation in the West has been snowballing for decades. Leslie Newbigin, who is considered by many to be the instigator of this conversation, posed the question in his book Foolishness to the Greeks, “What would be involved in a missionary encounter between the gospel and this whole way of perceiving, thinking, and living that we call ‘modern Western culture’?” We’ve been wrestling with that question for 40 years. Over the last two decades, pioneering efforts in the missional movement have been made with the mixed results expected of early experimentation. Now, mature forms of microchurch movements are emerging. COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of the predominant forms of Church, which has created a surging interest in simpler forms of the Church led by ordinary people.

Of course, microchurch is not a new form of the Church, but the most ancient one. A compelling case can be made that the microchurch is the original design within the pages of the New Testament. In addition, it is also the primary expression of the Church in the most significant disciple-making movements on the planet today, in places like India and China. Now is the time for us in the West to return to the microchurch for biblical, cultural, and missiological reasons.

Join Leadership Network this year for a series of catalytic conversations with leading practitioners. And follow this move of the Spirit that is bringing about the return of the microchurch.

To learn more at Leadership Network, visit leadnet.org and for more conversations on Microchurch NEXT click here.

To watch the conversation, visit https://mult-archive.em02.enthusiastinc.net/event/how-the-bless-rhythms-lead-to-microchurches/