How to Prevent Burnout | Max Lucado | Exponential

December 28, 2016


Many times we find ourselves ministering to the body of Christ, and we find that sometimes it’s bloody and bruised, and sometimes it’s on life support – Max Lucado

Pastoring is difficult work, and inevitably, there will be days that you will feel spiritually depleted. Max Lucado gives several tips on how to prevent burnout and what to do when you do feel depleted.

Don’t miss Exponential East 2017, where there will be multiple workshops on thriving in ministry.

Key Highlights:

  • Boundaries for your schedule
  • Relying on the Holy Spirit for rejuvenation

Max serves as Minister of Preaching at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. He has ministered to this church for 25 years. Max and his wife Denalyn have three grown daughters and two sons-in-law.