How to Share the Gospel Masterclass

Insights for Communicating the Gospel for Increased Effectiveness

December 16, 2022


Exponential CEO Dave Ferguson invited three key leaders in the evangelical world to share their thoughts and expertise on sharing the gospel: Dr. David Docusen, Tomy Wilkerson, and John Wentz. Ferguson shared that there is a lot of confusion around the topic of evangelism, especially among practicing Christians, a truth that sparked the conversation.

What Evangelism practices are working best now and what practices need to be left behind?

Docusen shared that connecting on a human level comes before sharing faith. Having conversations about life and what is real to people must happen before evangelism can occur. There is a huge difference between genuine heart-level conversations and surface-level conversations that can change the way the gospel is received just based on the level of trust acquired. A way to do this practically is by asking meaningful questions and starting hard conversations. Docusen also explained that manipulation, coercion, and domination will fall away when deeper connections begin to form.

Wentz explained that we must be mindful of what is happening in our culture and that will determine our evangelism posture. He calls it the “shift from us to them.” The gospel is an opportunity to listen because it is not about the person sharing. Giving our power away by being interested in others’ beliefs can change the level of reception to the gospel in today’s context. People are curious, but they want to be in control and explore their options, which involves a mutual level of respect. The gospel is not about forcing someone into belief system. It is about showing others the beauty of Jesus that draws them in and letting God do the work.

Cultivating a safe and comfortable space to ask questions and be open without judgment will often spark spiritual conversations that can open the door to studying God’s Word together.

Wilkerson’s research shows that society’s relationship to truth has shifted from absolute truth to relative truth, especially within younger generations. Because of this, evangelism is becoming more of a communal process rather than a singular event. The role of invitation and follow-up, the before and the after, is monumental in the world of evangelism. Cultivating a safe and comfortable space to ask questions and be open without judgment will often spark spiritual conversations that can open the door to studying God’s Word together.

As a church planter, what should I do to raise the evangelistic temperature of my church?

Wilkerson’s first tip is that “values are not taught, they’re caught,” so church planters must actually demonstrate and do evangelism themselves if they expect those that they are leading to do the same. Become a missionary to the non-Christians in your community by sharing your life with them. His second tip is to actively and fervently pray for the lost people in your community and encourage others to do the same.

Values are not taught, they’re caught, so church planters must actually demonstrate and do evangelism themselves if they expect those that they are leading to do the same.

Wentz reminded the listeners that we can do nothing apart from the Lord, therefore we must wait on him. Evangelism by our own strength is anything but impressive. It starts only from a posture of prayer and place of love. Hospitality and spending time with people is the place to begin. Allow people to teach you something and go from there because everyone beings something to the table.

Docusen echoed his colleagues in that prayer is the most effective place to start. Specifically naming people and places to create tangible and specific prayers. Practically speaking, he mentioned “asset mapping,” which is figuring out where God is already moving in the strengths of a community rather than focusing on the weaknesses. We can figure out what God wants us to do by figuring out what he is already doing. Sometimes, this practice leads to discovering gaps that need to be filled. Community engagement is a large part of evangelism.

Watch the How to Share the Gospel Masterclass Replay:


We’re going to continue this conversation at our global conference in sunny Orlando in March. Join in and be a part of our community with a cause in Orlando with Dave, Tomy, David, John, and other like-minded leaders. Get a ticket and download our evangelism workbooks to explore how you can enhance the evangelism capacity and effectiveness of your church.