Improv Leadership – How to Lead Well in Every Moment

November 3, 2021


Podcast — Improv Leadership
How to Lead Well in Every Moment
It’s time to improvise.
Featured Guests

STAN ENDICOTT – Stan is co-founder and chief cultural officer at Slingshot Group.

DAVID A MILLER – David is currently the Chief People and Product Officer at Novus Global.

Anyone who’s learned the basics of an instrument can follow a chord chart or play from sheet music. But great improvisers aren’t limited to the notes on the page; they draw on the theory and techniques they’ve practiced in the past to create something original in the present.

The same is true of great leaders. Anyone can read a few books and apply the lessons, but only the best leaders bring out the best in any person, in any situation. These improvisational leaders have mastered the key principles of coaching to build strong teams.