An Interview with Carl George

Perspectives from one of church planting's leading experts

September 5, 2017


In this interview between Exponential founder Todd Wilson and church planting expert Carl George, the two discuss approaching church planting from a Kingdom perspective. George explains that we need to “challenge others to think differently and bigger than what they’ve been thinking” in order to plant churches that go on to plant other churches.

How you define yourself will determine what steps you’re willing to take in the future. – Carl George

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An Interview with Carl George – Exponential

Carl George began local church ministry as a youth pastor and camp director on the staff of an early megachurch. He and his wife were commissioned as church planters and established both a congregation that grew rapidly and a day school that became the largest in its county.

After 13 years, he was called to Pasadena, California, where John Wimber and Peter Wagner asked him to assume leadership of what became the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Church Growth and Evangelism. Organizing and leading seminars with notable pastors, including David Cho, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and John Maxwell, and others, the Institute touched leaders in over 100 denominations as the megachurch movement moved into high gear. His teaching on the MetaChurch opened the door for American pastors to grasp the dynamics of the world’s largest churches and highlighted the role of small groups in lay leadership development and unlimited growth.

Since 1995, he has served as a congregational analyst and executive coach to church planters and local church leaders of many denominations. He has co-authored six books with Bob Logan or Warren Bird which deal with leadership themes in continuously growing churches. A popular seminar series led to a book that has been in continuous print for twenty-five years: How to Break Growth Barriers. It has been thoroughly updated for release in early 2017.