Seeing More Churches Multiply: An Interview with Mac Lake

Post 7 - Dream Big Days of Summer

July 20, 2017


Why do less than 4% of churches ever reproduce? Mac Lake, Senior Director of Church Planter Development at the Send Network, believes it is a combination of fear, lack of awareness, and a lack of Kingdom mentality that keeps U.S. churches content to grow by addition, but seldom by multiplication. In this podcast interview between Exponential founder Todd Wilson and Mac Lake, the two unpack these factors and what can been done to see more churches multiply. As Lake says, “we have to have very disciplined vision when it comes to church planting because it’s not something that happens fast, it’s something that takes investment, time, and patience.”

Key Highlights:

  • Common factors that prevent less than 4% of churches from ever reproducing
  • Practices that help churches grow, but keep them from multiplying
  • Ways to move beyond simply a vision to behaviors.

“We can’t get movement unless we see truth” –  Mac Lake

Seeing More Churches Multiply: An Interview with Mac Lake

To learn more about putting practices into place that encourage multiplication, download the FREE eBook Dream Big, Plan Smart by Todd Wilson and Will Mancini. You can also join Todd, Will, and Mac live at one of Exponential’s fall events where we will unpack what it looks like to dream big for your church and the Kingdom.

Mac has a passion for developing leaders especially in the area of church planting. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (1984) and Dallas Theological Seminary (1990). In 1997, he planted Carolina Forest Community Church (Myrtle Beach, SC). In 2004, he began serving as Leadership Development Pastor at Seacoast Church (Charleston, SC) where he served for over six years. In 2011, Mac worked with Brian Bloye to start the LAUNCH Church Planting Network. After five years Mac and Brian gave the North American Mission Board the church planting system they developed. Today Mac serves as the Senior Director of Church Planting Development for NAMB’s Send Network.