Growing the Kingdom vs. Growing Your Church

February 1, 2017

It is possible to grow my church in numbers and functionally decrease the realm of the Kingdom of God. – Jeff Christopherson

In this training video from Exponential East 2016, Jeff Christopherson explains that the current method of church growth is resulting in the Church losing ground and that it is therefore necessary for us to change our methods of operation. He exposes myths we believe that lead us to stray from expanding God’s Kingdom.

Join Jeff Christopherson at Exponential East 2017, where he will lead workshops on church multiplication.

If it’s a Kingdom-centric culture, it’s never our brand that’s our authority, it’s King Jesus himself. – Jeff Christopherson

Key Highlights:

  • Myths church leaders fall into
  • Prioritizing the Kingdom over your church
  • Stewarding every dollar and person in your church

Jeff Christopherson has a passion to see a Kingdom-centered church planting movement happen in North America. He has seen firsthand what can happen when a church “gives itself away” through rapid multiplication. Jeff serves as Vice President of the North American Mission Board for the Send Network. Jeff is author of Kingdom Matrix: Designing a Church for the Kingdom of God and Kingdom First: Starting Churches that Shape Movements. Jeff and his wife, Laura, live in Alpharetta, Georgia. They have two children.