… you start getting a big picture of what it’s going to take to launch this spiritual enterprise. – Eric Swanson
In this second part of Eric Swanson’s Lean Start-Up training video, he explains how “startups are not just smaller versions of bigger things; the whole purpose of the startup is to do one thing … to discover a sustainable business model through experimentation.” Learn how to use a business strategy canvas to design your church plant.
The Business Strategy Canvas includes:
- Distribution channels
- Key partners
- Key activities
- Key resources
- Cost structure
Don’t miss Exponential East 2017 and your opportunity to engage in multiple workshop tracks devoted to launching a new church.
Eric has a passion for engaging churches worldwide in the needs and dreams of their communities toward the end of spiritual and societal transformation. He served with Cru for twenty-five years before linking arms with Leadership Network where he has lead initiatives for externally focused churches, global missions, marriage ministry, and ministry creativity.